Monday, July 27, 2009


Dear CBS,

I have been a loyal Big Brother watcher since its inception. I have watched power shift, alliances form and strategy prevail. I have rooted for my favorite and cursed the opposition. I have been wrapped up in the drama and committed countless hours to following the houseguests. That being said, here’s how I feel now…

This is the most childish show I’ve ever seen. A horrible display of humankind. This show does not teach or promote anything good. I find myself searching for a positive and come up with nothing. It’s not good TV anymore. Watching people being stripped of there beliefs and ideals, being pushed around and preyed upon. Lies. Manipulation. Your contestants may put themselves in these positions, but you pick them. You edit them. You pick the competitions to create chaos. You can call this a game, but it's an amplification of the worst in people. I can turn on the news for 5 minutes and see that.

Big Brother is turning nastier and nastier as the seasons progress. The houseguests are more volatile, brash and unstable than ever. I believe the original concept is totally corrupted. I feel the screening process is completely out of control. Half of the contestants truly believe they are celebrities or that this is some kind of stepping stone. The show is losing its luster. Contestants from the earlier seasons are completely different than later ones. They used to be everyday types. Now it seems everyone has some kind of entertainment resume they tote with them. They consider themselves an enterprise.

I don’t believe most loyal BB fans agree with this. I don’t believe most loyal BB fans want to re-live this high school twist you have created. It is regression. It’s becoming painful to watch and I want to so bad.

So I humbly say this to the producers of Big Brother…Can you please go back to putting the voting power with the people as you did in the earlier seasons? Can you give the viewing public the right to reward the true competitors? I think the dynamic may shift back to wanting/needing to win competitions opposed to lie, cheat, steal, ride coattails to win. I may be alone in my thinking, but I read a TON of the message boards and don’t think I am. Anyone who would like to add their name to this request, please do. I will forward to Big Brother at the end of the season. Hopefully it will put some integrity back into this game I loved so much.